Dear Friend,
As I have watched the presidential debates, I have been impressed by the ultimate impotence of politicians and their politics. This is not to disparage the sincerity of the candidates BUT something more is needed. They are sticking a band-aid on a bleeding cancer. America and the world need a mighty spiritual awakening, but that’s not coming from New York, London, or Washington. One thing is needed — the WORD of the LORD.
I pledge to you to keep preaching the undiluted truths of the Holy Bible, in season and out of season, when popular and unpopular, while God gives me breath. We are now preparing a new truth-filled, Holy Spirit anointed TV series. We are also getting ready to go to Cuba and Ukraine.
I appeal to you, faithful supporter. Do not be deceived and diverted from what is really needed. Please support the proclamation of the Word of the Lord.
Yours in the Blessed Hope,
John Carter
The Carter Report, Inc.

People Around the World Respond
Dear Pastor John!
I am very grateful to you for your visit to Russia this January! Your inspiring sermons melted our hearts in these cold January days. Thank God that you visit us.
With love, yours truly,
Alekei B.
Thank you very much for your message. I am glad that you are safely back home. Your coming was a blessing for me personally and for our church in Ukraine.
Thank you again for your support for Hope Media Group. I have already shared the good news with our workers, that we are going to support them in this difficult time.
With best regards,
Vyacheslav Demyan
General Director of “Hope” Media Group
What a tremendous refreshment from the Lord your visit has been to the Russian people, what a BIG blessing! I hear it and sense it from so many people.
Mom is doing much, much better, and her living with me now, and in a rather helpless condition, allows me to emphasize to her our dear Lord’s presence and involvement in a very special way.
Thank you once again for being the Lord’s vessel through which by His Spirit His grace is poured unto so many in this otherwise miserable world! The Lord is with you in a mighty way!
Russian sister, Dr. Julia Outkina
3ABN, Russia
I am in prison in St. Louis. Thank you so much for your prompt response to my letter. I am working on your recommendations and I am extremely grateful for your response and advice. Thank you also for sending me your Ebenezer magazine, I find it to be good and enlightening.
I’m glad to hear you made it back safely. It’s been an honor for me to accompany you in your mission trip. I was pleased to see your care of God’s children and dedication towards His mission on this Earth. Your enthusiasm and hopefulness are a great example of faith and love. There is a famous saying in Russia that fits your attitude towards the mission. It says, “Better to see once than hear a hundred times”.
Your brother in Christ,
Lev B.
I told my husband that we had received a DVD from you. As we watched it both of us had tears rolling down our faces. My husband is not an Adventist. I purchased the 3ABN satellite dish so that I could watch programs on the Lord from Adventist pastors. I hoped in time that he too would want to watch programs with me. He watches them all the time. He has mentioned wanting to be baptized and I know that with your prayers and God’s encouragement, we will get there.
Our fervent prayers are with you and your evangelistic family as you continue to spread the Gospel to the world.
Your brother and sister in Christ,
Carol and Pat S.
For us as the Church you visit was of extreme importance.
Thank you for your courage and your sincere interest to the life of our people on these territories. Thank you for the real help you are giving the churches created after your campaigns.
Mikhail Kaminsky
President, E.A.D.
Your ministry has brought me closer to our Lord Jesus, and has more importantly helped me to “live” my faith. I have surrendered my life to and put my trust in Jesus. Your ministry has truly been a blessing in my life.
I have realized there is a lot of “misinformation” out there about The Word and I am glad you are there to help set things right. Your sermon at Port Moresby was profound, so awesome, and eye-opening, providing me with a great faith strengthening.
Andrew B.
Please give now for Youth evangelism in Ukraine. Please send your gift to The Carter Report, PO Box 1900, Thousand Oaks CA 91358 / Australia: PO Box 861, Terrigal, NSW 2260.
We stand on the threshold of great and momentous events. The final movements will be rapid ones. The nations are arming for Armageddon. Millions are searching for a better way. The Carter Report team is determined to play a role in these closing hours of world history. Right now we are preparing for 21 Gospel outreach campaigns in Cuba, plus a campaign for Ukraine’s lost youth. Please JOIN US. Now is the time to stand up for Jesus.
Please give now for youth evangelism in Ukraine. When you send your gift, please request our FREE gift to you: “Visitors From Other Worlds — Part 1 & 2” Please quote this number when requesting your DVD — FP1607-1608* (Two powerful programs on one DVD).
* Our gift to you is free but your receipt will reflect the requirements of the IRS.
Dear Friend,
As I have watched the presidential debates, I have been impressed by the ultimate impotence of politicians and their politics. This is not to disparage the sincerity of the candidates BUT something more is needed. They are sticking a band-aid on a bleeding cancer. America and the world need a mighty spiritual awakening, but that’s not coming from New York, London, or Washington. One thing is needed — the WORD of the LORD.
I pledge to you to keep preaching the undiluted truths of the Holy Bible, in season and out of season, when popular and unpopular, while God gives me breath. We are now preparing a new truth-filled, Holy Spirit anointed TV series. We are also getting ready to go to Cuba and Ukraine.
I appeal to you, faithful supporter. Do not be deceived and diverted from what is really needed. Please support the proclamation of the Word of the Lord.
Yours in the Blessed Hope,
John Carter
The Carter Report, Inc.

People Around the World Respond
Dear Pastor John!
I am very grateful to you for your visit to Russia this January! Your inspiring sermons melted our hearts in these cold January days. Thank God that you visit us.
With love, yours truly,
Alekei B.
Thank you very much for your message. I am glad that you are safely back home. Your coming was a blessing for me personally and for our church in Ukraine.
Thank you again for your support for Hope Media Group. I have already shared the good news with our workers, that we are going to support them in this difficult time.
With best regards,
Vyacheslav Demyan
General Director of “Hope” Media Group
What a tremendous refreshment from the Lord your visit has been to the Russian people, what a BIG blessing! I hear it and sense it from so many people.
Mom is doing much, much better, and her living with me now, and in a rather helpless condition, allows me to emphasize to her our dear Lord’s presence and involvement in a very special way.
Thank you once again for being the Lord’s vessel through which by His Spirit His grace is poured unto so many in this otherwise miserable world! The Lord is with you in a mighty way!
Russian sister, Dr. Julia Outkina
3ABN, Russia
I am in prison in St. Louis. Thank you so much for your prompt response to my letter. I am working on your recommendations and I am extremely grateful for your response and advice. Thank you also for sending me your Ebenezer magazine, I find it to be good and enlightening.
I’m glad to hear you made it back safely. It’s been an honor for me to accompany you in your mission trip. I was pleased to see your care of God’s children and dedication towards His mission on this Earth. Your enthusiasm and hopefulness are a great example of faith and love. There is a famous saying in Russia that fits your attitude towards the mission. It says, “Better to see once than hear a hundred times”.
Your brother in Christ,
Lev B.
I told my husband that we had received a DVD from you. As we watched it both of us had tears rolling down our faces. My husband is not an Adventist. I purchased the 3ABN satellite dish so that I could watch programs on the Lord from Adventist pastors. I hoped in time that he too would want to watch programs with me. He watches them all the time. He has mentioned wanting to be baptized and I know that with your prayers and God’s encouragement, we will get there.
Our fervent prayers are with you and your evangelistic family as you continue to spread the Gospel to the world.
Your brother and sister in Christ,
Carol and Pat S.
For us as the Church you visit was of extreme importance.
Thank you for your courage and your sincere interest to the life of our people on these territories. Thank you for the real help you are giving the churches created after your campaigns.
Mikhail Kaminsky
President, E.A.D.
Your ministry has brought me closer to our Lord Jesus, and has more importantly helped me to “live” my faith. I have surrendered my life to and put my trust in Jesus. Your ministry has truly been a blessing in my life.
I have realized there is a lot of “misinformation” out there about The Word and I am glad you are there to help set things right. Your sermon at Port Moresby was profound, so awesome, and eye-opening, providing me with a great faith strengthening.
Andrew B.
Please give now for Youth evangelism in Ukraine. Please send your gift to The Carter Report, PO Box 1900, Thousand Oaks CA 91358 / Australia: PO Box 861, Terrigal, NSW 2260.
We stand on the threshold of great and momentous events. The final movements will be rapid ones. The nations are arming for Armageddon. Millions are searching for a better way. The Carter Report team is determined to play a role in these closing hours of world history. Right now we are preparing for 21 Gospel outreach campaigns in Cuba, plus a campaign for Ukraine’s lost youth. Please JOIN US. Now is the time to stand up for Jesus.
Please give now for youth evangelism in Ukraine. When you send your gift, please request our FREE gift to you: “Visitors From Other Worlds — Part 1 & 2” Please quote this number when requesting your DVD — FP1607-1608* (Two powerful programs on one DVD).
* Our gift to you is free but your receipt will reflect the requirements of the IRS.