The Carter Report is planning 93 “missions” (evangelistic campaigns) across El Salvador. Along with 100 El Salvadorian pastors, this team will be teaching God’s Word right across the nation.

The climax will occur with giant meetings in the National football stadium that the locals told me has a capacity for 60,000 souls. This will happen during the last days of November.


Pastor Carter and his team in the National Football stadium
The soil in El Salvador is good, ready for the seed of the Word. Please partner with us - Your help is urgently needed.

We are in need of your donations to fulfill our goal. Here are some of the areas your partnership will support.

  • 557 buses hired to transport the people —
    end to end more than five miles of buses
  • Thousands of Bibles distributed
  • 5,000+ baptisms in one afternoon

The Carter Report is planning 93 “missions” (evangelistic campaigns) across El Salvador. Along with 100 El Salvadorian pastors, this team will be teaching God’s Word right across the nation.

The climax will occur with giant meetings in the National football stadium that the locals told me has a capacity for 60,000 souls. This will happen during the last days of November.


Pastor Carter and his team in the National Football stadium
The soil in El Salvador is good, ready for the seed of the Word. Please partner with us - Your help is urgently needed.

We are in need of your donations to fulfill our goal. Here are some of the areas your partnership will support.

  • 557 buses hired to transport the people —
    end to end more than five miles of buses
  • Thousands of Bibles distributed
  • 5,000+ baptisms in one afternoon