Recent News
Dear friend of mine, When the President visits a foreign country, he is greeted by…

People matter most, not massive buildings or expensive gadgets, but people. Please allow me to introduce some people who in their own quiet way are making a difference for goodness. Meet…

Julia: She has the voice of an angel and sang during our meetings. She was baptized with her mother in Russia.

Alexi: A pastor whom we baptized 25 years ago. He is now the manager of 3ABN Russia and is in charge of getting all our POWER-PACK DVDs produced. He is a happy, kind man.

Pedro: He traveled to Russia from Cuba and was sponsored by The Carter Report. Nightly he thrilled the audience as he sang Spanish and Russian songs. We are providing the funds to send him to the Cuban seminary to get his pastoral degree. We believe he is made of the right stuff.

Sergei: Now an elder of the Church that meets at the 3ABN Center in Nizhny Novgorod. Back in 1992, he was one of three local Mafia men who came to Jesus and were baptized. The Mafia gave them an ultimatum: give up your faith or be shot. The other two gave in, but Sergei stood firm. He is still living for Christ.

Our children: Their grandparents knew the horrors of Communism. Now they face an uncertain future in a world that teeters on the brink of nuclear destruction. We will help them obtain a Christian education so they too can make a positive difference in the world.

Danny Shelton: The man God used to build the Nizhny Novgorod worship center. We were there in 1992 when the original property was purchased. It looked like a bombed
out ruin from the Nazi Blitz, but Danny Shelton looked beyond the ruins and saw a worship center for God’s glory.
He got plenty of opposition. The naysayers said, “It can’t be done, and even if you do build it, you won’t be able to pay the bills!” Today, the critics are silent, and the 3ABN Center in Russia is alive and well. Thank you Jesus.

BIG THINGS CAN BE IMPORTANT. The biggest Protestant building in Russia, the 3ABN Russia Center.
- Please support The Carter Report POWER-PACK DVD program for the Russian people. Our initial aim is to distribute 50,000 Christ-centered, powerful, fact-filled messages across Russia.
- Please give for the Christian education of our poor Russian children.
- Please support Carter Report television programs that proclaim the undiluted truths of the Bible. John Carter does not compromise God’s Message.
- Please support the Washington DC project. We now have a voice on Fox TV in the nation’s capital — a prophetic voice of certainty, truth, and righteousness.
Please send your gift to:
In Australia:
Dear Friend,
As I stepped through the shiny new door marked “2018,” I privately made some resolutions, and hope you will join me. Here they are for your consideration:
- I resolved to think positively, be upbeat, and shine a light in dark corners.
- I resolved to read my Bible everyday, because I am weak, but He is strong.
- I resolved to love more, and to say a kind word with a smile to strangers.
- I resolved to laugh and praise more because God is good, all the time.
- I resolved to ignore the bad news and focus on bringing God’s Good News to hurting souls.
I have a message today that is brimming up from my heart: God is alive, Jesus loves us, the best is yet to be, the Devil is defeated, life is good, most folks are nice, there is more good than bad in the world, our sins are forgiven in Christ, and we have mansions in our Father’s House.
Remember the words the stuttering King George VI quoted in his New Year’s address? England stood alone against the might of Nazi Germany. The bombs were falling, and things were desperate. It looked like freedom would die as the new year was born. Said the King, quoting Minnie Haskins, “I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year, ‘Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.’ And he replied, ‘Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God. That shall be to you better than light, and safer than a known way.’”
So dear friend, at this time when a new year begins, put your hand into His hand. That will be better than light, and safer than a known way.
With love and blessings,
John Carter
The Carter Report, Inc.

Good News From A Faraway Land
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The Carter Report team has just successfully opened an evangelistic campaign in President Putin’s new Russia. The Russian government is cooperating and showing us every courtesy. We have received a phone call from the authorities in Moscow, assuring us that they will guarantee our security.



Please Help Keep The Gospel Fire Burning!


With John Carter
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The Russian Embassy in Washington has issued us with special “Missionary Visas.” As you read this, we are flying to Moscow. Once in Moscow we will travel to Nizhny Novgorod where the campaign will open on Saturday, October 14, 2017, with two great sessions.
On Saturday October 7, the first barrage in our advertising campaign will commence on Russian television as John Carter invites the viewers to attend his meetings. We will most likely be the only foreigners in all Russia advertising public programs on television. This is history in the making.
It is now illegal, and punishable by fine and imprisonment, for foreigners to conduct religious meetings in Russia. It is necessary to obtain special Missionary Visas. The Kremlin believes that some foreign “evangelism” has been detrimental to the well-being of the Russian people.
The Carter Report pioneered TV advertising in Russia, and were probably the first foreigners to advertise on Russian television. Back in 1991, John Carter was interviewed LIVE on Russian State TV across the eight time zones of the Soviet Union. Doors are now slamming shut in Russia and this indeed could be our LAST RUSSIAN CAMPAIGN. We were the first foreigners to run a full scale evangelistic campaign in Russia (1991) and we could well be the last ones.
Danny Shelton of 3ABN joins John Carter for the climax of the 1992 Carter Report campaign — the baptism of 2,530 souls. Soon after this historic event, Mr. Shelton undertook the construction of the largest Protestant building in Russia, the 3ABN center in Nizhny Novgorod.
The Carter Report team believes in the supremacy of Christ. As a band of Protestant Adventists, we hold fast to the truth that people are lost without the Gospel, but saved by receiving Him as Lord and Savior. We believe in public evangelism because it is impossible to believe the New Testament and oppose the proclamation of Christ. We also do not believe the feel good fantasy that all people are saved until they reject. Rather we believe that all people are lost until they accept. (See Ephesians 2:
1-3, 12, 13 where unbelievers are described as “without hope and God in the world.”) We are on our way to Russia to fly the Gospel flag.
Bible believing Christians around the world are sending their gifts and offerings, large and small, to support the October 2017 campaign to the Russian people. Nothing can stop the onward march of Truth.
Maybe. America and Russia are deeply suspicious of each other. An American preaching to an audience of Russians who sees us as the enemy may not be an event that an insurance company would be eager to cover. But God is our Strength and our Shield. Please pray for Pastor Carter as he attempts what could be his most dangerous mission.
Please send your gift to:
In Australia:
October 2017
Dear Friend,
The Russian door has creaked opened and we have been granted “Missionary” visas for one month. It is definitely getting more difficult to work in Russia. This could well be our Last Crusade. We first went there in 1991 as Communism was crumbling and hearts were hungry for God. Now we go to a new self-assertive nation that has rediscovered its pride and identity. Russia is back and on the march.
This is a nation that has a tumultuous history. Almost 100 years ago the Czars went into exile as Communism triumphed. For 70 years the blood flowed freely, as dissidents died by the millions and two wars engulfed the nation. No country has seen so much bloodshed. Atheism did its work well. But God has always had His people in Russia and some of God’s greatest saints have been Russians.
We go to call His people to Christ and salvation. God has reserved for Himself a Remnant who will hear His voice. It is our calling to sound forth that invitation.
Please support us. Please stand with us in this tremendous hour. Thank you.
Yours in the Blessed Hope,
John Carter
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.” Rom. 1:16 (NKJV)

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Conducted By Susan Piraino, The Carter Report / Director of Communications
SP: How serious is the North Korean threat?
JC: Probably more serious than the Cuban Missile Crisis that could have ended in a nuclear exchange. Since then, the Doctrine of MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) has kept America and Russia from tearing at each other’s throats.
SP: What is so different today?
JC: North Korea is quite different to Russia. The North Korean leader is belligerent and irrational. He’s like a spoilt six-year-old child, armed with a machine gun. The American people have been continually assured that Kim Jong Un would never be allowed to get nuclear weapons. Now he has weapons that could reach us. Our survival is at stake.
SP: How serious would a war on the Korean Peninsula be?
JC: Millions would die, including many of our soldiers. If a missile hit Los Angeles, probably more than a million would die. It would be catastrophic.
SP: What else is different to the Cuban Missile Crisis?
JC: More nations today have nukes: China, Pakistan, India, and Israel. Back in the scary days of Castro and Khrushchev, only America, Britain, Russia, and France had nuclear arsenals. These nations were stable and rational. Today, a nuclear war with North Korea would probably involve Russia, China, and America, and the other nuclear powers. It could destroy much of the planet and kill 500,000,000 people.
SP: Are you trying to scare us?
JC: Not at all. We would be foolish not to consider the real possibilities. Ellen White once saw in a vision, balls of fire destroying great cities. I think we all need a wake-up call. The Christian Church is sleep walking. We need to get ready to meet God. We need to get our priorities straight. The deceitful teaching of the Rapture with the Church escaping the Great Tribulation has lulled millions to sleep. We now have dead preachers preaching to dead congregations. They have eyes but cannot see, and ears but cannot hear.
SP: Are there other signs of the approaching End?
JC: Yes, there are many. Time will not allow us to talk about Climate Change, the melting of the glaciers, the Drug Epidemic, and the war against God in the great universities where millions of our young people are brainwashed with Atheism, Meaninglessness, and Darwinism.
SP: What about the preaching of the Gospel?
JC: Just in China alone, we are seeing an explosion of Christianity. This is happening in spite of a persecuting government. There could now be 100,000,000 active Christians in Communist China. This is a miracle of grace and a fulfillment of the words of Jesus.
SP: What is your message to the Church?
JC: Prepare to meet God, because He is coming. Read your Bible everyday. Be ready to die. Do evangelism and support evangelism. Look for a church where the pastor is on fire for Jesus.
SP: What are your plans for the future?
JC: To live what I preach, and to preach the Word while I have breath. I plan to rage against the night.
Susan Piraino, The Carter Report / Director of Communications
Never before in the history of the great American Republic has the nation been so divided. Never before have crises of so great a magnitude confronted our nation’s leaders. Now is the time to seek God in prayer, forsake our sins, and proclaim His Holy Word. Washington DC, named after the resolute founder of the United States, needs desperately to hear again the Living Word of God. The Carter Report accepts the challenge and is now stepping out in faith and broadcasting on FOX WTTG in the nation’s capital. God is opening doors and we are seeing His hand of grace stretched out to save His people. As you support this great work, you are truly God’s partner. Thank you!
Now you can watch John Carter “classic” sermons preached with power back in the 1990’s. Available on our Carter Report Channel on ROKU.
As this newsletter goes to print we await the response of the Russian government concerning our special Missionary Visas. Please pray for Russia.
September 2017
Dear fellow Pilgrim,
As I write, relationships with Russia are approaching Cold War status. The situation is becoming increasingly dangerous. Nevertheless, with God, we need not fear. “God is our refuge and strength.” The greatest obstacle with Him is like a gnat in the wind or a pebble on the beach.
Unless we are stopped by Moscow or Washington politics, we plan to move ahead with the evangelistic campaign in Russia. We seek your prayers. We are not involved in politics, we seek only the salvation of souls.
Right now, we are applying for Russian Government Missionary Visas. Without these special visas, we would be forbidden to preach, teach, or witness. Even with these visas, public meetings by Americans in Russia could be perilous. We also must raise $300,000.00 for the meetings. We are hoping you will support us by your prayers and offerings. This could be the most challenging and dangerous mission of my life. Please pray for us, and please send your gift for the saving of lost souls.
May God bless you and keep you in His love,
Thank you in Jesus’ Name,
John Carter
P.S. Today I discovered that the man who played Moses in the “Ten Commandments” was born John Charles Carter. His mother later married a Mr. Heston, and his name was changed to Charlton Heston. I am confident that the God of Moses and Charlton Heston will open the Red Sea for us. Please walk with us into the waters and see His mighty hand revealed.

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Preaching now without a break for 55 years.
Dear Friend,